Sunday 13 February 2011

The End is Nigh

Facebook and Twitter's Demise?

There has been a lot of talk this week about the potential death of Facebook and Twitter on wallblog; speculation that Twitter's rumored sale could be its demise, or that Facebook's $50billion valuation is the beginning of the end. People have speculated that these social networks are just temporary, just like any other social event, say a nightclub or party, they will come and go with trends. This may be true, but I hope Facebook and Twitter's heavy integration into the fabric of everyday society will mean they are less susceptible to the fads subject to nightclubs and parties. 

The social networks' strong, independent CEO's have been wary of tying the networks down to a specific purpose. Instead their purpose and direction is defined by their users, allowing them to adapt and evolve along with social trends. Their "ultimately temporary" status is not a weakness, instead it is key to Facebook and Twitter's continued survival and prosperity. Let's just hope that Mark Zuckerburg isn't brokering any type of corporate takeover by AOL anytime soon. 

Link to the Wallblog article:

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