Being Social Locally
Nothing to do with Kirsty or Phil, it's the growing trend of location based social media.
With big brands and their agencies cashing in on the wave of location based marketing becoming available in the UK, it seems their presence on the local high street will have an even bigger impact on independent businesses; more so than their brand name does already.
Independent businesses are at a disadvantage without the services of a big agency. If only there was an independent locally based service that could unlock the benefits of location based marketing for small independent businesses. In this increasingly global, networked marketplace such a service could really help establish the independent businesses' original location based advantage.
After all; Starbuck's offer will be identical in every one of the major cities in which it operates, is is the local small shop that actually knows what the people want. It has the opportunity to really capitalize on it's potential to tailor bespoke offer's to its local market.
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